Department of Emergency
Medicine and Critical Care
Invites you to
Continuing Medical Education
A to Z of Mechanical Ventilation
“For all medical practitioners wanting to improve their emergency and critical care approach towards mechanical ventilation.”
MMC Credit Point Applied
Registration Charges: ₹500/
23rd April 2022 (Saturday)
9:00am to 4:00pm
3rd Floor Auditorium, College Building, Somaiya Ayurvihar

Workshop Highlights
Hands on Experience with Ventilator Skill Stations:
- Endotracheal Intubation
- Handing basic and advanced modes on a ventilator
- The Proning exercise in ARDS
- Ventilation tips in special situations
- NIV - practical issues with difficult patients/ difficult scenariosmechanical ventilation.”
Interactive Trouble Shooting Case Scenarios:
- The ventilated desaturating patient
- When and how to wean the patient
- What complications to watch out for
- Dr. Murtuza Ghiya - +91 77600 11016